Print Plus
Print only what matters! Make quick selections on a page and print only relevant sections of a web page. Save ink and paper!
Print only what matters! Make quick selections on a page and print only relevant sections of a web page. Save ink and paper!
iChrome allows you to bookmark and browse any iPhone version of a website. It's a cool way to stay connected with your favorite sites and use them as widgets, in one click.
Converts links to images into embedded images within the page.
Restores slashdot's soothing green light.
Cleans up and minimizes Reddit.com
Cleans up the display of and speeds up the loading time for macrumors.com
The most elegant and informative status bar alternative available for the Safari web browser
This is a very simple but useful extension to let you reset background images or colours to white.
Keyboard control/Ajax loading for Instapaper