Twitter Chrome
The best Twitter client will allow you to show your timelines, post tweets, and use many other Twitter features right from your browser.
The best Twitter client will allow you to show your timelines, post tweets, and use many other Twitter features right from your browser.
Finds 1) Lower Prices, 2) Coupons and 3) Reviews while you shop. Checks for lower prices when you're shopping or it stays hidden.
Subscribe to your favorite websites in one click! Add customized RSS feed readers into your Chrome icons.
Share and bookmark web pages to more than 300 services!
Restores slashdot's soothing green light.
Takes you to the reddit comments for the current page. If it doesn't exist, it starts the submission process.
comparo description
A simple link shortener based on bit.ly. Get the ink out of your linky and make it Ly.