Convert your Chrome extension into a Firefox or Safari one!
This service converts Chrome Apps and Extensions to a Firefox and Safari version. This is a beta test and we offer it with no guarantees.
If you are interested in distributing a converted extension, have a problem with a converted extension, if you want to provide feedback or have any question
This service is in a beta trial and we offer it with no guarantees as a test phase before we integrate it to the Extension Factory services.
Conversion completed:
OcUK Shopping Cart Viewer.
Copy OcUK shopping cart to clipboard.
Version: 1.42
Compatibility check
log: "webkitNotification" background.html:7
"webkitNotifications.requestPermission" beforehand).
log: "Notification" background.html:10
function showNotification()
log: "webkitNotification" background.html:12
if (webkitNotifications)
log: "webkitNotification" background.html:16
var notification = webkitNotifications.createNotification(
log: "Notification" background.html:16
var notification = webkitNotifications.createNotification(
log: "chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage" background.html:33
bg = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();
log: "Notification" background.html:56